
Nature. 2004-04-01; 428.6982: 493-521.
Genome sequence of the Brown Norway rat yields insights into mammalian evolution
Gibbs RA, Weinstock GM, Metzker ML, Muzny DM, Sodergren EJ, Scherer S, Scott G, Steffen D, Worley KC, Burch PE, Okwuonu G, Hines S, Lewis L, DeRamo C, Delgado O, Dugan-Rocha S, Miner G, Morgan M, Hawes A, Gill R, Celera, Holt RA, Adams MD, Amanatides PG, Baden-Tillson H, Barnstead M, Chin S, Evans CA, Ferriera S, Fosler C, Glodek A, Gu Z, Jennings D, Kraft CL, Nguyen T, Pfannkoch CM, Sitter C, Sutton GG, Venter JC, Woodage T, Smith D, Lee HM, Gustafson E, Cahill P, Kana A, Doucette-Stamm L, Weinstock K, Fechtel K, Weiss RB, Dunn DM, Green ED, Blakesley RW, Bouffard GG, de Jong PJ, Osoegawa K, Zhu B, Marra M, Schein J, Bosdet I, Fjell C, Jones S, Krzywinski M, Mathewson C, Siddiqui A, Wye N, McPherson J, Zhao S, Fraser CM, Shetty J, Shatsman S, Geer K, Chen Y, Abramzon S, Nierman WC, Havlak PH, Chen R, Durbin KJ, Egan A, Simons R, Ren Y, Song XZ, Li B, Liu Y, Qin X, Cawley S, Cooney AJ, D'Souza LM, Martin K, Wu JQ, Gonzalez-Garay ML, Jackson AR, Kalafus KJ, McLeod MP, Milosavljevic A, Virk D, Volkov A, Wheeler DA, Zhang Z, Bailey JA, Eichler EE, Tuzun E, Birney E, Mongin E, Ureta-Vidal A, Woodwark C, Zdobnov E, Bork P, Suyama M, Torrents D, Alexandersson M, Trask BJ, Young JM, Huang H, Wang H, Xing H, Daniels S, Gietzen D, Schmidt J, Stevens K, Vitt U, Wingrove J, Camara F, Mar Albà M, Abril JF, Guigo R, Smit A, Dubchak I, Rubin EM, Couronne O, Poliakov A, Hübner N, Ganten D, Goesele C, Hummel O, Kreitler T, Lee YA, Monti J, Schulz H, Zimdahl H, Himmelbauer H, Lehrach H, Jacob HJ, Bromberg S, Gullings-Handley J, Jensen-Seaman MI, Kwitek AE, Lazar J, Pasko D, Tonellato PJ, Twigger S, Ponting CP, Duarte JM, Rice S, Goodstadt L, Beatson SA, Emes RD, Winter EE, Webber C, Brandt P, Nyakatura G, Adetobi M, Chiaromonte F, Elnitski L, Eswara P, Hardison RC, Hou M, Kolbe D, Makova K, Miller W, Nekrutenko A, Riemer C, Schwartz S, Taylor J, Yang S, Zhang Y, Lindpaintner K, Andrews TD, Caccamo M, Clamp M, Clarke L, Curwen V, Durbin R, Eyras E, Searle SM, Cooper GM, Batzoglou S, Brudno M, Sidow A, Stone EA, Payseur BA, Bourque G, López-Otín C, Puente XS, Chakrabarti K, Chatterji S, Dewey C, Pachter L, Bray N, Yap VB, Caspi A, Tesler G, Pevzner PA, Haussler D, Roskin KM, Baertsch R, Clawson H, Furey TS, Hinrichs AS, Karolchik D, Kent WJ, Rosenbloom KR, Trumbower H, Weirauch M, Cooper DN, Stenson PD, Ma B, Brent M, Arumugam M, Shteynberg D, Copley RR, Taylor MS, Riethman H, Mudunuri U, Peterson J, Guyer M, Felsenfeld A, Old S, Mockrin S, Collins F, Rat Genome Sequencing Project Consortium
PMID: 15057822
Genome research. 2004-04-01; 14.4: 780-5.
BAC resources for the rat genome project
Osoegawa K, Zhu B, Shu CL, Ren T, Cao Q, Vessere GM, Lutz MM, Jensen-Seaman MI, Zhao S, de Jong PJ
PMID: 15060022
Fungal genetics and biology : FG & B. 2004-04-01; 41.4: 443-53.
Insight into the genome of Aspergillus fumigatus: analysis of a 922 kb region encompassing the nitrate assimilation gene cluster
Pain A, Woodward J, Quail MA, Anderson MJ, Clark R, Collins M, Fosker N, Fraser A, Harris D, Larke N, Murphy L, Humphray S, O'Neil S, Pertea M, Price C, Rabbinowitsch E, Rajandream MA, Salzberg S, Saunders D, Seeger K, Sharp S, Warren T, Denning DW, Barrell B, Hall N
PMID: 14998527
Proteomics. 2004-04-01; 4.4: 1159-74.
Characterization of the human urinary proteome: a method for high-resolution display of urinary proteins on two-dimensional electrophoresis gels with a yield of nearly 1400 distinct protein spots
Pieper R, Gatlin CL, McGrath AM, Makusky AJ, Mondal M, Seonarain M, Field E, Schatz CR, Estock MA, Ahmed N, Anderson NG, Steiner S
PMID: 15048996
Genome research. 2004-04-01; 14.4: 766-79.
Integrated and sequence-ordered BAC- and YAC-based physical maps for the rat genome
Krzywinski M, Wallis J, Gösele C, Bosdet I, Chiu R, Graves T, Hummel O, Layman D, Mathewson C, Wye N, Zhu B, Albracht D, Asano J, Barber S, Brown-John M, Chan S, Chand S, Cloutier A, Davito J, Fjell C, Gaige T, Ganten D, Girn N, Guggenheimer K, Himmelbauer H, Kreitler T, Leach S, Lee D, Lehrach H, Mayo M, Mead K, Olson T, Pandoh P, Prabhu AL, Shin H, Tänzer S, Thompson J, Tsai M, Walker J, Yang G, Sekhon M, Hillier L, Zimdahl H, Marziali A, Osoegawa K, Zhao S, Siddiqui A, de Jong PJ, Warren W, Mardis E, McPherson JD, Wilson R, Hübner N, Jones S, Marra M, Schein J
PMID: 15060021
Molecular vision. 2004-03-29; 10.223-32.
Cloning of the canine ABCA4 gene and evaluation in canine cone-rod dystrophies and progressive retinal atrophies
Kijas JW, Zangerl B, Miller B, Nelson J, Kirkness EF, Aguirre GD, Acland GM
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Oncogene. 2004-03-18; 23.12: 2264-74.
Generation and analysis of melanoma SAGE libraries: SAGE advice on the melanoma transcriptome
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BMC biotechnology. 2004-03-08; 4.3.
The limits of log-ratios
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PLoS biology. 2004-03-01; 2.3: E69.
Phylogenomics of the reproductive parasite Wolbachia pipientis wMel: a streamlined genome overrun by mobile genetic elements
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Infection and immunity. 2004-03-01; 72.3: 1733-45.
Attenuation of late-stage disease in mice infected by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis mutant lacking the SigF alternate sigma factor and identification of SigF-dependent genes by microarray analysis
Geiman DE, Kaushal D, Ko C, Tyagi S, Manabe YC, Schroeder BG, Fleischmann RD, Morrison NE, Converse PJ, Chen P, Bishai WR
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